Part 1 C & C always welcome.
Duo woke up with a foul taste in his mouth and a pounding headache. This is not unusual situation for him, however, being bound and gagged to a metal table was a little out of the ordinary. He let out a startled squawk, much as he was able, and attempted to struggle against the bindings. Pain flared across his shoulders and hips. No such luck. After another minute of struggling, he gave up. Allowing the rest of his body to go lax, Duo observed his surroundings. It appeared to be a hospital of some sort. Metal instruments and gleaming white surfaces, strange, scientific look contraptions arching over him, and a there was a slight medicine smell to the air. [Lovely.] Duo thought. [Where the hell am I and how did I get here?] His head was bounding in time with his heartbeat and made thinking difficult. He turned his face against his shoulder and tried to rub the gag off. The sound of a door opening interrupted him. “Goodness, your awake!” a female voice announced. Duo lifted his head. A middle aged woman with wispy hair tied into a ponytail and serious black eyes regarded him thoughtfully. “Untie me!” Duo tried to say, but only managed, "Ummph mm!" "My, my, we really can’t have you awake, no not at all," she continued in a firm, bright, perky voice, rather like an aged cheerleader. "I will just have to take e care of that, now wouldn't I?" clucking her tongue, the woman busied herself with one of the trays of instruments. "Hey! You freak, let untie me! What the hell are you doing?" Duo shouted through the gag, still only producing garbled sounds. The woman hummed happily, as if completely unaware of his existence. Finally, she turned around with a needle. Duo yelled and struggled harder. "There we are!" She deftly inserted the needle into his left arm, causing him to freeze lest he jerk it free and cause more damage. An unpleasant burning sensation spread out from the needle, searing through his arm. "There, there, all done now." she rubbed at the puncture mark and beamed at him, "You'll just go to sleep and when you wake up again, well......" With a small sigh, the woman turned and went back to fussing with the tray. A wave of dizziness swept over Duo, causing his vision to go fuzzy. [No....wait...I have to....stay awake....] Darkness swarmed up and swallowed him.
Heero lounged casually against the brick wall, an inconspicuous figure in leather jacket and blue jeans. The sent of smoke and liquor drifted out from a nearby bar, tickling his nose. One hand tapped the wall behind him, the other fingering the gun securely hidden in his pocket. Duo was late. His mouth twitched with hidden irritation. That idiot. He checked his watched. Well past the time the two them should have left. Eyes scanned the territory once again, but failed to find a certain brown braid. There was no help for it. With a frustrated growl and a quickly suppressed burst of worry, Heero pushed himself away from the wall and made his way back to the safe house. [Baka.]
[I feel like shit....] was Duo's first conscious thought as he came back to awareness. His entire body ached, it suddenly felt has if his skin was far to tight. His eyes burned painfully behind his closed lids and his nose, which was all blocked up for some reason, throbbed as if broken. [Anyone get the name of the bastard that did this?] He carefully pried his eyes open, then let out an agonized cry when light stabbed into then. Sobbing in pain, Duo turned his head to the side, away from the light, wishing he could curl up to protect his eyes but afraid of the pain it would cause. "Oops." he heard someone say. Instantly, the faint glow of light beneath his eyelids faded, taking most of the pain with it. Duo sighed, relaxing. "Sorry ‘bout that. I just went and forgot ‘bout how much it hurts an' stuff when you first wake up." The someone continued, sounding decidedly male, "'S been weeks since it happen'd ta me. Sometimes I jus forget what it was like before." The words sounded odd for some reason, a strange resonance that he wasn't used to hearing when people talked to him. "What...." he tried to say, his voice harsh and painful in his dry throat. "Hmmm?" the other murmured, then cool fingers gently brushed over his arm. He jerked, the contact sparking pain in his sore muscles. "You thirsty? They said I could give ya some water, if you was thirsty." Duo swallowed a couple times and finally managed to produce a ‘yes'. The other made a soft sound, which was followed by the rustling of clothing and stepping feet. Duo winced. Did he really have to stomp like that? There was the sound of water being poured, sounding over loud to Duo's ears, then moments later the cool rim of a glass was pressed against his lips. A hand slid under his head and held it up so he could drink. After a few sips, Duo pulled away from the cup. The other allowed his head to drop back unto the pillow. "Thank you." "No trouble. I mean you *are* new kin and everythin'." The words blurred slightly in his mind making little sense. "Oh um, yeah." he considered opening his eyes again, but wasn't quite ready to risk it. "Yep! I think its just great, ya know. ‘Cause its been jus me and that other guy for a while, but he went all weird in the head and was taken away. Your the only one that made it since him. An' me o' course. An' I hear there's this other girl who made it too, but they're not letting anyone inta see her." The boy rattled one for a while and Duo feel into half-stupor listening to the soothing sound of his voice. It was a long time later, broken by infrequent requests for more water, before the pain faded to a bearable level and real sense returned. Along with the urgent need to go pee, Duo suddenly remembered another important fact. "Oh SHIT!!" [I'm late to meet up with Heero!] He surged up in the bed, letting out a yelped at the reaction it sent through his body and opened his up-till-then-closed eyes. The room was dim enough so that everything was black and white, but the details were still sharp and clear. He could easily make out the delicate flower border on the wall as well has the larger details of the two doors, bathroom and supposedly the way out, lack of windows, a large mirror on one wall, and of course the boy sitting in the chair across from him. "What's wrong?" he inquired, cocking his head. His hair was pale in the dimness, lightly brushing his shoulders, eyes dark pools. He appeared no older then Duo and sat curled up in the chair in a surprising show of agility. "I have to get out of here..." he swung his legs to the floor, hissing slightly. "There's someone I have to meet. What did happen to me, anyway?" The boy shrugged. "You were gathered for the project. Same as me an' all the others. Now your like me. Can't leave, not ever." "The hell I can't leave! What make you think you can keep me here?" Duo snapped, trying to ignore the fact that he was rather helpless at the moment. "Nothin'. I'd be real sad if ya left, but I'm not the one keeping ya here. Its the people who run this place." the boy extended his limbs in a feline stretch, yawning. Duo pushed himself to his feet, clenching his teeth. He noticed with some relief that he was clothed in lose pants and shirt. First things first, bathroom *then* escape. "What...what did you mean by ‘I'm like you'?" "That your genes been messed with. Go look in the mirror, you'll see, plain as day." Duo frowned, but made his slow, painfully way to the privy. A fumbling hand located the light switch, the resulting illumination was dim as the bedroom light. A flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye caused him to turn his head. His reflection stared back at him. A choked sound worked its way out of his throat. "Oh God..." he staggered forward to get a better look, hands clutching at the sink. His braid slipped over his shoulder to bang against the porcelain. "See?" the boy stood behind him, over-long canines displayed in a feral grin, "Jus' like me now." Duo's amethyst eyes gleamed back at him, each marked by a single silted pupil. Cat's eyes.