In Process
In Process

If you would like to translate, make a podfic of, or do any fanart for my fic, please feel free! Visit my contact page for instructions on how to link back to me or just to let me what you've made.


These works are fictional and are not meant to reflect the real lives of any real person living, dead, or kidnapped by faries. Read all warnings prior to clicking links, as stories may feature explicit and/or triggering material.


Digimon (3 fics)
Little kids, monsters, and the end of the word.

DragonBall Z (5 fics)
Unspeakably powerful men squatting and screaming.

Gundam Wing (6 fics)
Pretty boys driving really powerful mecha. And politics. Lots of politics.

Harry Potter (7 fics)
About the waving of wands in the non-compative manner, if you take my meaning.

Naruto (32 fics)
See Naruto try to become Hokage. Become Hokage, Naruto, become Hokage!

Ranma 1/2 (9 fics)
Gender-bending with water.

Saiyuki (3 fics)
The angst that returns. And prettier each time.

Transformers (Untold legions)
Cleverly disguised robots save the world and make out.

Misc Works (??)
Less than 3 fics per fandom.

In Process